ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Glassfish 4 AbstractMethodError: com.objectdb.jpa.EMF.createEntityManager

:601) at org.glassfish.ejb.security.application.EJBSecurityManager.runMethod(EJBSecurityManager.java:1081) at org.glassfish.ejb.security.application.EJBSecurityManager.invoke(EJBSecurityManager.java ... .Method.invoke(Method.java:601) at org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.internal

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

Hi, we are trying to switch from embedded mode to client-server to support database clustering, and we are now facing following issue. Object DB server is creating too many sockets. Currently the ObjectDB Server process has 3895 opened files, and from that number 3823 are opened sockets. I

General Settings and Logging

to both the server side and the client side. The default configuration file contains the following <general> element ... indicates never (no inactivity timeout). The inactivity timeout (when > 0) is applied on both the server side and the client side, when using client-server mode, and has no effect in embedded mode

ObjectDB - Object Database for Java (JPA/JDO)

Boost your application database performance. Database performance is critical as it is the bottleneck in most applications. ObjectDB is extremely fast and much faster than any other JPA solution ... layer. The result is better performance and faster applications, especially when the object data model

JPA Primary Key

value generation is discussed in detail in the Generated Values section. Application Set Primary ... key value is not generated and the application is responsible to set a primary key by initializing ... public class Project { @Id long id; // must be initialized by the application

BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver

the IDE. Note: See this issue regarding matching the driver version to the ObjectDB server version when using client-server mode. ObjectDB/JPA Data Source To create an ObjectDB data source: Open the [New ... - either embedded (e.g. c:\points.odb) or client-server (e.g. objectdb://localhost/points.odb;user=admin

Getting Started with JPA

This tutorial demonstrates how to create and run a simple JPA application. The demonstrated application uses JPA to store and retrieve simple Point entity objects, where each Point has two persistent ... . The sample application is also explained in details in Chapter 1 of the ObjectDB Manual, but if you prefer

Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project

JPA database driven application in Eclipse or NetBeans. Building a new application step by step is an effective way to learn - but if you prefer, you may download and run the result application as ... and run the application from the command line by: > mvn test The current directory

Step 1: Create a Java EE 6 Web Project

a Project Name (e.g. Guestbook). Select GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3 (Java EE 6) as the Target runtime. Note: You may have to add GlassFish 3 as a new server by clicking the New Runtime... button and the Download additional server adapters link. Follow the instructions and specify the path


" Since: JDO 2.1 See Also: PersistenceManagerFactory.getProperties() String OPTION_APPLICATION_IDENTITY ... .supportedOptions() String OPTION_CHANGE_APPLICATION_IDENTITY "javax.jdo.option ... _SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID The name of the persistence manager factory element's "server-time-zone-id

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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